Comparing and transferring networks

Visum offers various possibilities to compare and transfer networks and version files:

Version comparison and network merge

Besides the network merge, two version comparison variants are provided:

  • Version comparison with transfer of selected direct attributes
  • Version comparison with comparison network loaded in the background

In contrast to the first variant, which includes the transfer of selected attributes into the opened version, the second variant builds relations to the loaded network in the background. This means that all attributes of the loaded network are visible in the opened version. Additionally to the existing relations to other objects (for a node, for instance, to the in-links, out-links, turns etc.) another relation to the loaded network will appear in the attribute selection windows.

The unique feature of the network merge is the unification of different data.

The following table gives an overview of the essential differences between network merge and version comparison. In most cases you will be working with the new version comparison in future.

Version comparison

Network merge (previously difference network)

Normal working is possible. For the relations, simply additional evaluation attributes/values are created, which can be deleted or updated, if required.

Special mode serving mere evaluation purposes, hardly editable, not savable

Simultaneous comparison of various variants possible

Comparison with exactly one variant

New evaluation attributes/values of relations are listed with original attributes, i.e. graphic parameters, filters etc. can still be used

Evaluation attributes replace original attributes, i.e. graphic parameters, filters etc. have to be adjusted

Evaluation attributes (beside value of original network): Value of comparison network, difference, relative difference, minimum, maximum

Evaluation attributes: Value of original network, value of comparison network, difference, DiffNet (Network merge)

According to the type of version comparison, either attributes are selected or relations are built to all objects

All attributes and network object types are compared.

Updatable by pushing a button

Not updatable

Note: In the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023/Examples, you can find an example of use on this topic. The Version Comparison example demonstrates how version comparisons can be used to analyze the model results of different scenarios.

Model transfer files

A model transfer file allows recording the modifications required to transfer a model, i.e. a combination of network data and OD demand data, to another model. You generate the model transfer file from two version files, whereby data can be limited to selected network object types or attributes. You can exchange modifications between the different version files at any time, and equally maintain several scenarios.